Redback Projects

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ID Project Title Action
AU001 Design and Implementation of Integrated Mobile Operated Remote Vehicle
AU002 RFID - Based Navigation System For Visually Impaired To Work at Industry
AU003 GPS based autonomous vehicle navigation and control system
AU004 Real-Time Driving Monitor System: Combined Cloud Database with GPS
AU005 Wireless biosensing network for drivers' health monitoring(IEEE -2016)
AU006 Tracking and Theft Prevention System for Two Wheeler Using GSM and GPS
AU007 Bank Locker Security System Using RFID and GSM Technology
AU008 Design of Entrapment Escalation using GSM for Elevators
AU009 Distribution Line Fault Detection & GSM Module Based Fault Signaling System
AU010 GSM & PIR Based Advanced Antitheft Security System
AU011 LPG Gas Weight and Leakage Detection System Using GSM
AU012 Design of Embedded Irrigation System by Using WSN(IEEE -2016)
AU013 Smart pill box using embedded and GSM(IJST Jan 2015)
AU014 Speech based warns setup for visionless people with GPS enabled location identification(IEEE-2014)/td>
AU015 Intelligent Anti-Theft and Tracking System for Automobiles(IEEE- 2014)
AU016 Smart Home Monitoring and Controlling System using Android Phone(IEEE- 2014)
AU017 A pervasive system for Real-Time Blood Pressure Monitoring(IEEE- 2014)
AU018 Android Apps for Home Control(IEEE- 2014)
AU019 Design and Development of GPS-GSM Based Tracking System with Google Map Based Monitoring(IEEE- 2014)
AU020 Intelligent Accident Identification System using GPS, GSM Modem(IEEE- 2014)
AU021 Agriculture irrigation water demand forecasting based on rough set theory and weighted LS-SVM(IEEE-2014)
AU022 Electronic Energy Meter with Remote Monitoring and Billing System(IEEE-2014)
AU023 GPS guided farm mapping and waypoint tracking mobile robotic system
AU024 Real-Time Driving Monitor System: Combined Cloud Database with GPS
AU025 Embedded microcontroller using GPS as a security resource for disabled people
AU026 Official Document Tracking System with iPhone Using GPS and RFID Technology
AU027 OTP-based secured banking system in android smart phones
AU028 An automatic traffic light management using vehicle sensor and GSM model
AU029 Green house monitoring system using GSM.
AU030 RFID and GSM synthesis for authenticated ATM transaction.
AU031 Design and implementation of an SMS based home security system.
AU032 Design and implementation of water environment monitoring system using GSM technology.
AU033 Industrial appliances control system by decoding dual tone multi-frequency signals on GSM/CDMA network.
AU034 Design and implementation of vehicle tracking system using GPS /GSM technology and smart phone application.
AU035 Freighter fuel level detection and overload alarming system with safety notification via GSM.
AU036 GSM based automatic energy meter reading system with instant billing.
AU037 Design and implementation of precision agriculture system using wireless sensor network.
AU038 Detecting illegal pickups of intercity buses from their GPS traces
AU039 Wireless black box using MEMS accelerometer and GPS tracking for accidental monitoring of vehicles
AU040 Earthquakes and Tsunami simulation through GSM Network
AU041 GPS and GSM based bus status and position information for blind people
AU042 Designing of mobile controlled automatic Interactive Voice Response irrigation system
AU043 GSM based well-groomed information system for missing ATM cards
AU044 Presence detection, identification and tracking in smart homes utilizing Bluetooth enabled Smartphone?
AU045 GSM Mobile Phone based Automobile Security System
AU046 Secured GPS based traffic monitoring system in pervasive environment
AU047 Auditorium Monitor and Control Using GSM Technology
AU048 Development of a mind-controlled Android racing game using a brain computer interface (BCI)
AU049 Daily life activity tracking application for smart homes using android smart phone
AU050 Improved Use of Foot Force Sensors and Mobile Phone GPS for Mobility Activity Recognition

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