Redback Projects

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ID Project Title Action
AU001 Controlling The Home Appliacnes Remotely Through Web Application Using Zigbee (IEEE-2016)
AU002 Energy Efficient Intelligent Street Lightning using systems Zigbee and sensors(IEEE -2016)
AU003 Accident Alert Using ZIGBEE and GPS(IEEE -2016)
AU004 Coexistence of Zigbee-based wban and wi-fi for health telemonitoring systems(IEEE -2016)
AU005 A novel wireless multifunctional electronic current transformer based on Zigbee-based communication(IEEE -2016)
AU006 Configurable Zigbee-based control system for people with multiple disabilities in smart homes(IEEE -2016)
AU007 Zigbee network system for observing operating activities of work vehicles(IEEE -2016)
AU008 Interference-mitigated Zigbee-based advanced metering infrastructure (IEEE -2016)
AU009 An optimized solar traffic control and alert system using wireless sensor networks(IEEE -2016)
AU010 Design of Prototype Model for Home Automation Using Wireless Sensor Networks(IEEE -2016)
AU011 A mobile Zigbee module in a traffic control system (IEEE -2016)
AU012 Wifact -- wireless fingerprinting automated continuous training (IEEE -2016)
AU013 RFID based book tracking system for libraries.
AU014 Future unmanned system design for reliable military operations
AU015 Motion controlled password system for compact embedded systems using mems sensor
AU016 Forest fire detection using optimized solar powered Zigbee wireless sensor networks.
AU017 A back off counter reservation scheme for performance improvement in wireless body area networks.
AU018 Smart home for elderly care based on wireless sensor network
AU019 Wireless black box using mems accelerometer and GPS tracking for accidental monitoring of vehicles
AU020 A Zigbee based reliable and efficient power metering system for energy management and controlling.
AU021 AID: A prototype for agricultural intrusion detection using wireless sensor network.
AU022 A new prototype of smart parking using wireless sensor networks/td>
AU023 Mems with Zigbee wireless based light on/off with automatic voice announcement system
AU024 Real time passenger information system (rtpis) using Zigbee technology
AU025 Ultrasonic sensor system for ecology observation and timing synchronization of Zigbee network
AU026 An interactive RFID based bracelet for airport luggage tracking system
AU027 Zigbee wireless communication for monitoring renewable street light system
AU028 Improving security and usability of low RFID tags improving security and usability of low cost RFID tags.
AU029 RFID security access control system.
AU030 ATM Security with RFID and One Time Password (OTP) through GSM
AU031 Monitoring and alarming system based on Zigbee Technology
AU031 Monitoring and alarming system based on Zigbee Technology
AU031 Monitoring and alarming system based on Zigbee Technology
AU032 Advanced railway track fault detection with remote station messaging system using Zigbee communication
AU033 Wireless Heartbeat Monitoring System Using Zigbee
AU034 Monitoring and alarming system based on Zigbee Technology
AU035 Item-level RFID in a retail supply chain with stock-out-based substitution Bluetooth based Wireless Device control for Industrial Atomization
AU036 Bluetooth based Robot Control for Metal Detection Applications
AU037 RFID based banking system for secured transaction.
AU038 Unveiling the potential of RFID enabled intelligent patient management.
AU039 RFID based library automation system using PIC controller.
AU040 Wireless tyre pressure monitoring system
AU041 Intelligent Wireless Talking Bus Stop
AU042 Design & implementation -wireless ECG based on blue tooth protocol
AU043 Reliable monitoring of oil and gas pipelines using wireless sensor network (WSN)
AU044 Wireless petroleum level sensor using RF communication
AU045 Harmful gases Wireless Network Monitoring System Design
AU046 Development of gas leak detection and location system based on wireless technology
AU047 Wireless controller cum internet controller for home appliances
AU048 Intelligent energy monitoring system based on Zigbee equipped smart sockets
AU049 Wireless electrical apparatus control system with speed control of AC motor in a plant using RF communication.
AU050 Wireless stepper motor control using RF communication.

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